Monday, February 1, 2010

Oh, Rachel!

Audrey was watching Rachel Ray the other day and she was cooking pork chops. All of a sudden, this is what I heard...

Audrey- Rachel, stop torturing me! Those look sooooo good!


Audrey- Mommy, you've never ever been fat...except when you had me and Elise.

Ahhh children certainly do have a way with words, don't they?

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Say something smart

Audrey had an attitude last night. I told her to stop and she kept on. Here is what followed:

Me - "Say something smart." (As in, "I dare you to be a smart-elec")
Audrey - "6+6=12"

Well, she DID say something smart! I had to walk away to keep from laughing so hard.

Friday, January 15, 2010


Conversation at the dinner table discussing Audrey's day at school:

Audrey leaned over and whispered in my ear: "Kalor said he wanted to marry Bindi and date her."

Then she sat up, looked at Elise-who was sitting beside me, and said: "Elise doesn't need to know about those things yet. Maybe when she's 6..."

The new kid

There is a new student in Audrey's Kindergarten class. His name is Dylan. We were discussing this at dinner the other night. Then, she said, "He talks so this is his 14th day there or something!"

So funny!

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Me-Audrey, you have had too many chances!
Audrey- I've only had 3.


Backseat conversation:
Me-Elise, keep your hands and feet to yourself!
Audrey-you'll learn all about that in kindergarten, Elise.